Sometimes, it is difficult to ascertain an exact cause of infertility, even after exhaustive investigations. In most cases, the partner will need to be tested too and both of them treated for any identified problem. Some specific treatments for male infertility are as follows:
This is by antibiotic treatment to cure infection of the reproductive tract. Both partners are usually treated to eradicate the infection. This treatment may not always restore fertility, especially if the damage is much before treatment.
This may be to correct varicocoele (dilated blood vessels around the testes) or repair an obstructed vas deferens. Men who previously had vasectomy (cutting of the spermatic cord as a means of family planning) may have this reversed so that sperm can pass through again. When there are no sperm cells in the ejaculate, possibly due to blockage along the tract, sperm cells can be retrieved from the testes for the purpose of assisted reproduction.
Men with erectile dysfunction as well as those with premature ejaculation may require medication as well as counselling to improve their condition.
When the cause of infertility is traced to hormonal imbalance, correction of such hormones may lead to reversal of infertility.
This may involve the collection of sperm through ejaculation, surgical extraction from the testes or along the tract. In extreme cases, donor sperm may be needed for this procedure, depending on the condition and the wishes of the man. After collection, the sperm may be injected into the female genital tract or used for in vitro fertilization (IVF).
When none of these measures works, adoption may be an option. The earlier this is concluded on, after going through infertility work-up, the better for the couples. This is because it will save the couples time and unnecessary waste of resources. When this is decided on, it is important to go through the official channel to avoid complex legal tussle in the future.