The kidneys remove waste product and toxins from the body. When they fail, these waste products of metabolism accumulate and cause serious damage to the body. Prevention is important in
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on either side of the abdomen, toward the back. Their functions include:
Filtration of blood – They
Kidneys are the organs that are responsible for removal of waste and toxic products from the body. When they fail, there is accumulation of those toxic wastes in the body. Causes
What is proteuinuria? – This refers to the presence of protein in urine beyond a level that is considered normal (less than 300mg in 24 hour urine collecti
What is kidney stone? – A kidney stone refers to an irregular hard substance formed in the kidney. It is often of small size when formed but can grow larger
What is ureter? – A ureter is a narrow tube connecting each of the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
What is ureteric stone? – Thi