What is anencephaly? – This is a serious fetal birth defect, resulting from neural tube defect. It almost always leads to the death of the baby with few minutes, hours or days after delivery. It is a situation in which the major parts of the fetal brain (cerebrum and cerebellum) and skull fail to develop. The top of the brain appears flat just above the eyebrows. The skin coverage of the brain also fails to develop.
How often is a baby born without brain?
This abnormality is not common because majority of the pregnancy affected end in abortion.
Is it possible for a baby born without brain to survive?
Most babies born with this abnormality survive only for few minutes, hours or days. This is because the brain is essential for survival, as it controls the major functions of the body.
What causes a baby not to have brain?
The fetal brain fails to develop when the tube (neural tube), which forms the brain and spinal cord, fails to close during embryonic development. This occurs very early during development (three to four weeks) when the woman may not even know she is pregnant. The cause of anencephaly is not known but some risk factors have been identified, which include:
- Previous baby with anencephaly – Mothers who had previously affected babies have higher chances of having another one.
- Lack of folic acid – Folic acid is needed in neural tube development, which forms the brain and spinal cord. Its deficiency has been linked to anencephaly.
- Diabetes – High blood sugar may impair the development of brain and spinal cord.
- Drugs – Some drugs such as anti-seizure drugs, antipsychotic drugs, antibiotics and antimalarial may have serious effects on fetal brain of development.
How is the diagnosis of anencephaly made?
This abnormality is often diagnosed through ultrasound scan, usually done at 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Is there any treatment for anencephaly?
No. All babies born without brain will die within few minutes, hours or days. Their survival to the point of delivery is aided by the placenta, which once it is severed, the baby cannot survive independently.
How can anencephaly be prevented?
Since the exact cause of anencephaly is not known, its prevention is difficult. However, the chances of its development can be reduced by:
- Folic acid supplementation – All women of reproductive age should take 400 mcg of folic acid daily whether or not they plan for pregnancy, as abnormality that leads to non-formation of the brain (neural tube defect) happens in the first month of pregnancy, even before women are aware of their pregnancies. Women with previously affected baby need higher dosage (up to 5mg daily).
- Adequate management of preexisting health conditions – Diseases like diabetes should be well treated and blood sugar brought under control before attempting pregnancy. Reproductive age women with such conditions may consider contraception until control is achieved.
- Avoidance of self-medication – This will help to avoid taking drugs that can have damaging effect on fetuses.
- Changing medication – There may be need to change some drugs being taken in treatment of certain diseases .