Causes of female infertility

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Female Infertility may be due to

  1. absence of ovulation, in which case, there is no egg to fertilize (physiologic problem) or
  2. problem with the cervix, uterus or fallopian tubes (anatomical problem), which may be congenital or acquired. 

Absence of ovulation is usually due to hormonal imbalance which may be from the ovaries or the pituitary gland. Manifestations of the hormonal imbalances that may affect fertility include:

  1. Irregular menses: the hormones that regulate ovulation also regulate menstrual cycle as well as the flow. Women having irregular menstrual cycle may definitely not be ovulating on a regular basis due to hormonal imbalance. Getting pregnant in this condition may be difficult unless the hormonal imbalance resulting in anovulation and irregular menstruation is corrected. 
  2. Excessive hair growth on the body such as the face, chest, abdomen and legs: This indicates that the woman has excess male hormones in her body. Normally, women have little quantity of male hormone which stimulates axillary and public hair growth and help with libido. Excess male hormones in women inhibit ovulation and also have effects on menstrual cycle and flow.
  3. Milk discharge from the breast: this is a manifestation of excess prolactin (hormone responsible for breast milk secretion). Normally, a woman that is not breastfeeding should not have milk discharge from her breast. This occurs when this hormone is in excess supply in the circulation (in a non-pregnant woman) and therefore interferes with both ovulation and menstrual cycle.

Problems with the cervix, uterus or fallopian tubes could be blockage, preventing the sperm access to the egg. This blockage may be congenital (born with the woman) or acquired (due to activities affecting the reproductive tracts).

The channel may not be completely open before birth, and this may persist till adulthood. Activities following previous pregnancies and their aftermaths can also lead to blocked cervix, uterus or fallopian tubes.

These activities could be injury to the cervix or uterus during criminal abortion, childbirth or infections that disrupt the endometrial lining or the fallopian tubes. 

Blocked fallopian tube is a major cause of infertility in females. This can be likened to a blocked pipe, and it creates a barrier between the sperm and the egg so that the two cannot meet for fertilization to take place.

This is usually a difficult cause to treat as the tubes are delicate structures which easily get damaged even before they are blocked. Surgeries done to reverse the blockage usually result in poor outcomes because whatever condition is severe enough to block the tubes will probably have damaged their ability to function well.

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